PBS-T250 Temperature module

  • Model: 6621


Temperature measurement up to 250°C
Sockets for five temperature sensors
Compact design-Low weight
Supports the following telemetry systems: PowerBox CORE P²BUS, Multiplex M-Link, Jeti EX-Bus, Futaba

Operating voltage 4.0V - 9.0V
Current drain Power-on state max. 20mA
Supported RC systems PowerBox, Jeti, Multiplex, Futaba
Dimensions 32 x 18 x 10 mm
Weight 7g
Temperature range (-30°C to +85°C Electronic unit)

The PBS-T250 is Plug'n'Play for the CORE telemetry system, but can also be switched for use with Jeti, Futaba and Multiplex using the PowerBox Terminal program.

The PBS-T250 can measure a maximum of five temperatures simultaneously, which means that it is even possible to monitor all the cylinder head temperatures of a radial engine. The set is supplied as standard with TWO temperature sensors, and further sensors are available as accessories.

Additional temp probes Order No.: 6617
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