Having returned from a disappointing British Nats, where the weather cannot be blamed, I’ve reflexed again on the model hobby business which I love, but ultimately seems doomed. For sure I have been telling clubs I visit for a while that their long established club will die with them, since there is little interest from the ‘kids’ these days and the internet has destroyed so many businesses, where its used just as price matching service. In the UK rates and business costs are not equal, so introducing a selling medium where it’s not all fair and equal was short sighted. The comment I have overheard at several shows this year is that the ‘show’ price is no cheaper than online. Obviously that’s impossible, just like the silly prices some retailers advertise. It’s a pointless box moving exercise. Back in the days of Sandown Park there was no internet, so businesses could make a happy existence mainly selling to their local support, when a show came around and a bigger audience of customers would mean increased sales, deals were possible…obviously they were not matching other prices the rest of the year. I’m glad Motors & Rotors does not survive on internet sales, thanks to all my loyal customers who appreciate support and expertise, there are so few model businesses left that the owners actually aeromodel.